Standard software suite for team laptops
When setting up new laptops for the team, Triple Helix installs the following suite of programs.
All laptops
- Clean install of Windows 10 or higher
- Google Chrome
FRC driver station laptops
Triple Helix strongly endorses WPILib’s Driver Station Best Practices guide for driver station laptops.
FRC software development laptops
All software required for an FRC driver station laptop, plus:
- Development environment essentials
- Git
- Clang, ClangD, and ClangD extension for VSCode
- Visual Studio Community for C++ simulation
- HelixNavigator
- Networking utilities
- FRC Radio Configuration Utility for configuring robot radios for home use
- Angry IP Scanner
- PuTTY (example usage: networking with Beelink Mini PC)
- FRC vendor hardware clients
- REV Hardware Client
- CTRE Phoenix Framework and Phoenix Tuner
- Miscellaneous
FRC mechanical design / CAD laptops
TORC development laptops
- Open-TX
- Betaflight Configurator
- PrusaSlicer